
Showing posts from April, 2007

big pimping

If you're a Canadian woman, you should rush out and sign up at . What is it? I, um, don't really know. All I know is my sisters are the evil masterminds behind the site. My buddy Neil has a terrific video documentary up on the PBS/Frontline World website: India's Missing Girls . A strong cultural preference for male heirs is pushing Indian families to selectively abort as many as half a million female fetuses each year. We trekked from rural Punjab to the narrow alleys of New Delhi to find out why. With music by Grammy Award-winner, Anoushka Shankar.

pixel-stained technopeasant

Little bits of news: I'm about to hand in my fourth novel, The Night Of Knives , aka "the Africa book." And boy, am I glad - I've been working on this one for some eighteen months now. Last week I signed and sent off the contracts for my next project: a graphic novel for DC/Vertigo entitled The Executor . Gonna start work on that in one week's time. My article Blood, Bullets, Bombs and Bandwidth just got Slashdotted . I am pleased. I appear to be notorious in Nepal . My Super Sekrit Projekt - super sekrit because you'd never believe me if I told you - is sitting on the desks of a half-dozen US publishers, and with luck I'll have more to say on that in the none too distant future. My other Super Sekrit Projekt is under consideration by my agents and publishers. I can say no more for now.

england, spain, haiti

London gothic. Inside an ancient Roman amphitheatre. Cathedral ghosts. The Giralda. Cemetery murals. Jacmel beach. Full set here .