2007 and still no flying cars.

1. Like a wimp snowbird, I have fled the Canadian winter and moved to Santa Monica1 'til the end of April. I do like it here. Everything needful is walking distance; you can spend whole days without entering a car, as I did yesterday, which is pretty amazing for LA. We're smack on the border of appealingly seedy Venice, a five-minute walk from the beach - indeed, we can see the shining Pacific from the street outside our complex - and very near both my favourite gym and my favourite office. I will be spending the time frantically rewriting Book Four (the Africa book, very tentatively titled The Teratologist) from scratch, working on the DC project, and maybe flogging my most recently written screenplays.

1basically the beachfront outpost of Los Angeles, for those of you unfamiliar with America's West Coast.

2. Release schedules: the US hardcover, Canadian mass-market paperback, and UK paperback of Book Three (Invisible Armies) will be coming out in June, July, and August respectively (ignore Amazon.ca's not-yet-updated publication date.) July will also witness the release of the German translation of Book Two (Blood Price), imaginatively titled Blutpreis. I'd like to believe that the Japanese translation of Book One will also come out this year, but I don't actually have any idea if this is true.

3. Now that I am in the land of health nuts (the local diner has Bodybuilder Specials) I will eagerly resume my full workout routine, which will probably look something like this:

Sun: Run (sunset runs on the beach, hurrah!)
Mon: Gym
Tue: Yoga
Wed: Gym
Thu: Run
Fri: Bike
Sat: Rest/rollerblade/gym/whatever

Note that no boxing is included yet, but if I find a decent boxing gym/class, it'll probably replace the Thursday run, and maybe occupy another day as well. At the very least, I'll buy some gloves and beat up on the bags at Gold's every now and again.

4. All you Americans must all aim your tuners and TiVos to the Travel Channel this Saturday (the 20th) at 10.30PM for the Montreal episode of Not Your Average Travel Guide, a show hosted/written/produced/directed/shot/edited by my lovely girlfriend K., and featuring a cameo appearance by yours truly. You should also watch her show on Paris the following week (the 27th, at 10PM.) This is of course triply true if you happen to be a Nielsen family.

5. I have written a book about a squirrel. Yes, really.


Anonymous said…
Now I'm beginning to understand why my plan has been so stifled...

I'll tell you where your flying cars are... You already know where they aren't...

They're in my 14 cases of 75-thousand pages of notes... That's where they have always been, since 1978...

Have you seen the latest "flying car" claim..?
It's a blimp, tied to a something or other.. It looks like a "floating gurney"...
Next thing yah know they'll be driving their cars off'n cliffs, claiming they have flying cars...

I have the technology for flying cars engines... I just can't find the funding..? And I sure have tried... I've been snubbed more times than I can count... Now, being snubbed is just a way of life for me...

...1978 late Fall.. on a planned three-week leisurely cruise across Canada, along highway number-one, along as much of the scenic-routes as I could find.. just past the Ontario border into Manitoba.. I saw two large meteorites cross a huge "X" in the sky.. and thought about it with all I had.. "What makes Alien craft's engines work", I telepathed from all my Being...
...A few minutes later, I had to park, to write the flood of new data, for three hours straight.. resulting in the crude bench manual to build a liquid electricity rocket...

James Watt watched a kettle boil, and invented a steam engine...
I saw an X in the sky, and invented the liquid electricity engine...

I attempted to detail the workings of the engine to a visiting European nuclear physicist.. "mindless dolt" would be a better fitting title... 60-seconds into the description, his face when pale, his chin dropped, he struggled to speak, he accused me of "talking in the forth dimension", barely managed to stand, managed to walk three paces, and fell flat on his face...

Over the years I have contacted pretty-much every major scientific concern in the business world, to no avail...
All I got was "classy" snubbing and scorn, from the mindless scientific community, governments, and religions... and a lot of remote viewers desperately trying to suck technology from my mind, mostly when I slept.. till I figured ways to seriously damage them upon approach... Plus there were a lot of attempts to dig into my computers, them believing I'd put the meat in a computer connected to the Net.. thht on that!.. They destroyed five PC's... Seems this race doesn't want engines for flying cars, and engines to take us to other solar systems, unless they can steal it from the inventor... It's a pity I am being forced to take this technology to the grave...

All this engine is, is a couple serious modifications to laser... It cracks light... Damaged light "particles" self-heal with the nearest molecules.. thus creating raw antimatter-acids, which are saved in exhaust scrubbers, and sold by the public, to power industry... The service station pays the consumer for plugged exhaust scrubbers.. A complete 180 turn-around for having to pay for gas all these years...

Fragmented light "particles" instantly decay into liquid electricity.. which, among the 110 new-technologies in this science layer, replaces combustion as a power source, opens the bonds of the inert elements, establishes plazma-welding of all materials to all materials, is the base to establish disintegrator trash-pails, obsoletes hospitals, gives us planetary defense weaponry and thousands of new toys, and gets us to other habitable-planets before this one shows us we've already killed it...

It's that.. or you'all can go try to find it all by yourselves, by your classic "scientific" trial and error methods...

If anyone has a clue how to get new technology funded, I'd sure appreciate hearing about it.. and I'm sure you would benefit from it greatly when I start marketing flying-cars... Do you prefer two seaters or four seaters?..

Why is it so tough to get new technologies funded?.. Could it be that mankind's intellect is devolving..? given that cell phones are baking brains, meth, and coke are dissolving brains, the drug industry's pain killers evolutions are numbing people to escape reality, dirty smallpox vaccinations are destroying brain file connections, alcohol and the prolific lack of nutrients are literally desiccating brains in their cases... Every day it seems more and more that humans are devolving into apes... Just look at how they, you, we, treat this planet...

Bottom-line is, You get flying cars about five years after I gets a lab and a credit card... Simple as that!...

I've done a life-time of work acquiring this technology.. I've taken it as far as I can without funding... If I'm not funded by my 60th birthday (11 mnths from now), the 75-thousand pages of notes burn in the garden on my 60th, and I'll send a video clip of the bon-fire, and a cover story, to the mindless scientific community, for their archives... and you all can get your flying cars when the next one like me come along, in about 500 to a 1000 years...

So.. Now you know why you are not driving your flying-cars today.. and why those alive today won't be seeing flying-cars in their lifetimes...


This liquid electricity emitter's raw output is a dirty-pink stationary light-cloud... which evolves into 4-D TV, and into cinema special effects breakthroughs for the next 500-years... Filmable synthetic actors.. restricted only by lack of imagination...

A little further research, this toy evolves into an engine that will obsolete Fire as a power source... Fire will become illegal... The atmosphere will have the opportunity to self-heal...

This plazma engine will power all our vehicles, including moon and mars capable consumer RV's... and will provide mankind with the basic means to populate other planets in other solar systems...

This engine evolved to tools and weaponry, will do things like, "write a poem on a lunar cliff face from earth... and drill a meter diameter hole 20-miles into the earth's crust, for us to plant magma batteries, which crystallize into crystallines, with hardnesses 14 to 28 on the Mho's scale... Thereby revolutionizing several industries: optics, bearings, abrasives, weaponry, and pretty much evolving every industry and life in many ways...

This is what our Species has been searching for... I found it, but it seems no one can even begin to fathom any of it... I tell them, and they "piss" in my face...

The usual reaction I get when mentioning any of this in various Internet forums, is flame and barrages of mindless insults, and varying religious, pseudo-physiological, and political battles with aggressive mindless people, all hellbent on defending the insane stagnancy-quo...

I defend myself well against slanderous attacks, which have resulted in me being banned from many forums and scientific communities...
I've heard it all repeatedly, in various world forums, and from other sources.. and from the mindless scientific community, that can't even grasp the first minute of any of these technologies... It's the same "wall" of fear and insanity that all the ancient greats were confronted by... It's what trashed Tesla's lab after he plugged a light-bulb into the ground... It's what ridiculed Flemming for inventing penicillin, for claiming that "tiny invisible bugs were the cause of disease"... Then the medical scientific community tried to destroy Flemming's life.. and they returned content, to their tapping wounds with filthy turkey-feathers dipped in alcohol and various rock powders, to Frighten-away disease and infection... "ookook-eiee!"..

It's that Dam wall that your devolving superstitious mindless fearful Species just can't see light through it... Seems there is no secret entry-point through this Race's mindless insanity levels, to permit a scientist to build new technologies anymore, to give this Race More...? Seems you are all content with the fall into Oblivion.. forever numbing the discomforts of the fall with your latest evolutions of designer drugs, and your silly interactive-cartoons, to keep your minds off your species impending demise... When then near the year 145,730, the last human can be viewed, cracking the marrow out of the bones of the second last.. and by 155k, the planet can't even support the life of one single hardy beetle...

So now you really know why you don't have your 1200mph flying cars today...
Or as that gossip-guy on the radio used to say, "And now you know.. the rest of the story"...


I may not have a place in this crazy world, to build the sciences I know, but I can sure make a big noise, when there's something not said, which needs be said.. when what the so-called "authorities" are doing what holds the potential to totally destroy all the Life
on this fragile little planet...

I can't lose.. I have nothing left to lose... But all our children lose if this crazy war destroys their/our planet...

If this war is truly focused around an "axis of evil".. then what is it that be powering and steering its "wheel of evil".. and its "vehicle of evil"?

The whole thing is, if this satanic-war goes nuclear, the fallout dust-clouds will irradiate most of the planet's pollinator's fragile sleeping eggs.. which will extinct most of the next-year's planet's pollinator bugs.. which just happen to be an extreme integral/critical/crucial segment of the "Food Chain".. which Life cannot survive without...

Then we all run out of forests, fields, foods, fun, and eventually fish, in just just a few years... And eventually we will have eaten everything that wriggles, which survived.. then we will need to survive by eating human-flesh... This is the legacy you are leaving for the children of mankind.. being "the snake eating its own tail"... I doubt that any god would permit you enter in his "heaven", after you doing that to his precious children's lives... You wish.. but you don't have even a prayer...

The very reason we have food, is because of what the bugs do to, and for, the plants...
Tell the World like it Really is... Politicians must stop splashing us with their colorful pretty smoke-screen political "bullshit"... This War can't succeed unless/until the Whole World defends itself, by Every nation sending-in all their war machines, today, to deal, once and for all, with the current Arab's World destruction plot crisis... Or negotiate with them, now, by offering them honest respect, and kindnesses, that they cannot refuse.. And stop tampering with Arabia's "drug-store".. Only then will you begin to see the road to peace... There is no other option... It's that, or extinction... We are this very now resting right on Fate's blade-edge... Tomorrow it will take but a tiny puff of soft warm breath of life, or a wisp of icy cold gasp breath of death, to push us either way... This is no time to be playing politics's silly little evil sports killing-games, for fleeting power and treasure... This is the time for true real action, in the form of Respect, Dignity, Fairness, Honesty, Love, Reality.. "Heaven on Earth".. or "Hell"... It's your choice what you leave for your children, and for humanity's future children... It's all in your hands right now... It's in everyones hands right now...

...So, why is it that so many humans are desperate to blow Life off the blade, in to Hell..?
There's something wrong there.. That be the way of life of the Herpes Virus, not the way of Humanity... Humanity should design its own flows and path.. and drive Life onto a viable livable-path, off this dying-path we've chosen...

And to you who are demons, and know it.. "You stopped getting family love and caress, the exact same second you bit into mummy's nipple and tasted fresh warm blood... From then on it was cold-bottle for you, and no more loving gentle touch... Nobody else did it to you... You did it to yourself.... It's Not because the world hates you, that you didn't and don't get enough breast-milk and cuddles... It's because you bit into mum's tit.. Get Over it!.. and join the Living... You are our great warrior brother, with whom we have yet to embrace... Teach us how to Live... Teach us how to Love... Teach us how to Laugh... But Stop trying to kill us all, just because you dint get enough warm tit-milk and warm skin-cuddles... We don't want any more of your Hell in our lives... Go Away!..
On the other hand, If you want us to treat you like an Emperor.. then Act like an Emperor.. be the loving Father of all his children.. and brother to all the world's fathers.. making Everyone's lives like we've made it a bit of "heaven" on earth...
It's that, or extinction... We are on that blade edge... Which way will you tip us..?

This War is just Arabia fighting to preserve their chosen way of life... She can't grow this fast, as fast and hard as you are pushing her... She has enough to think on... Back-Off!... Give her a rest... She's got 2000-years to catch up on... Teach her Gently... Let her take what she likes.. and let her toss-out what she doesn't like... That be "The Right to Life"... The rest of the world has no rights to meddle in the affairs of other tribes... That would be like the North American T'.Rex telling the Asian T'.Rex what it can and can't eat.. while the North American T.Rex tries to convert the Asian T.Rex to Christianity...

Winning this conflict, is for the very life of the whole human race... Winning means: Just switch-Off the conflict.. "Click"... Wake them all up... Teach them to love, is the only working solution... Any less, is like the stench and taste of a campground latrine... It's time to be honest about this whole mess, and see it, and smell it, and tell it, like it Really is, and start to fix it... And in the same-hand, you all know right-well that America's DEA is what Caused this war... Pull your DEA claws out of the rest of the world, and dissolve that ridiculous abomination... You cannot live and profess honesty and love, whilst living the great evil militarized DEA cancerous Christian-lie, which holds the whole world in mindless parasitic Slavery, for money, and for the perpetual meal of the life-essences of the blinded numbed subservienced masses...

Maybe it's time for the great legal Vampires to stop eating, just long enough for all humanity to build up its health to what it should be... because if the lamprey drains all of its host's bloods in one meal, soon there will be no more host, no more prey.. only eternal hunger...
And that goes for you black-shroud critter too.. You who roams in folds in air, harvesting humanity, eating life essence, with a wake of odor, so wicked, like boiling fuming nitric and burning sulfur, it could kill... You are extincting your host here dude... Soon all you will know is extreme hunger... We need a rest, or we will have destroyed your and our home in a blinding flash, on this path... because with only death in our future, we now have nothing more to lose, and we just don't care about life anymore... that being, the self sustaining momentum of war.. where we are at right now...

This war is bigger than us.. We can't turn it off now... We gave it Life... Now it is gonna eat us as its first meal... I wish you all could see the bigger picture, out-there, beyond your skin.. but too many are not even aware they have feet, necks, and backs, till they ache some... And those without minds, have never had an original thought... yet they do have the "Vote".. And they make and enforce our laws, to govern how we must live our lives, for their exclusive concerns, in their hell on earth..
Now it would take an all-out nuclear war, to shake-off all those crazy laws.. because the leaders just haven't the jewels to admit mistakes, nor turn anything around.. we're it's at this very now...
All Life is at the mercy of the illegal legal system.. dragging us, screaming, down Hell's great gullet, to feed an insatiable hunger that cannot ever be satisfied...

A lot of people in this world, want to use those basic herbal-drugs, which the planet provides, because it clouds some of the extreme-pains of living, in this your man-made hell on earth... So what if they enjoy that stuff.. So what!... Just let them live Life like they want to live this short life.. You are Not their nor our god... America Is the great Terrorist, trying to install world wide drug prohibition, for 50-years now, like they did with booze prohibition, in terrorizing and slaughtering their own American innocent peoples, by defending an insane Christian law.. whilst America creates hundreds of new dangerous legalized poisonous drug-store $drugs annually... Give it and us a Break!.. Dissolve those Life-stifling laws and games... This is Planet Earth, Not Planet America!.. Stop killing innocents all 'round the world to enforce crazy American policies... then most of the Crime will simply fall and taper-off... So what if there will be a little havoc while things are settling down... So What!.. In the long run things will get Better... Life is a rough and short road at best, in your great Christian-hell on earth... We don't need you crazy Christians making it even worse and harder for us than it already is... Remove your Americanism Britianish13-Colonies claws and hells out of all our lives!.. We've seen enough of you to know that we do Not want to be like you... Leave us be, to live Life like it is meant to be lived, and Not stifled under your thousands of insane mindless pseudo-Christian rules... We do Not want to live by your insane life-stifling silly rules... Life is born without rules... Being born into Life in your world, is like being born into some crazy "original sin" conglomerate concoction abomination.. which is nearly impossible to break-free of...
Somehow get that through your thick-heads!.. Wake-Up!.. WW3 is merely a last ditch ploy by the little tribes and general publics of planet earth, to shake-off all your insane life wrecking, life stifling laws, so us, they, and the world, can live, unstifled by your goofy ridiculous dead-ended Christianity rules, and your 2000-year old Gay's mindless parasitic free-ride money-sucking Slavery system...
Why can't you see it yet..? It is Christianity, through-you, that is causing all those crazy, people-killing wars.. It's how Christianity spreads, like the great vile evil cancer it is... Look what Roman Christianity did to the Inca Nation.. and to the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Heida, Polynesians, Egyptians, Germany, Mexico, Ireland, to the North America Native, and to all of North America... Christianity turned it all into Shit...
Look at how quickly Christianity latched onto the Great West Africa Slavery Program, initiated by African peoples... and how violently it had to wrenched-out of the hands of the British Thirteen Colonies, by applying the extreme force of a 50/50 civil war.. which just happens to reflect today's Vote too, which is why every nation should elect two simultaneous presidents, or have two distinct kings.. for things to be a little more fare... The experiment "democracy", has totally failed us... These days, "democracy" is just a den of thieves... You all should have learned by now from all those vile messes... For the sake of Mankind, and all Life, Wake Up, and Stop your ridiculous religious money-sucking/resources-sucking wars.. or you will have soon Killed Us All for money... and all the friendly forest critters too, who permit me to touch them, whenever I go for strolls in friendly forests...

It's time to just shut-off your great war, and re-define humanity, and gain a reasonable viable understanding of Life.. and bring in the new-age of Peace for ALL Life on this planet, not just for a few wealthy American bloodlines, who ride-above North America's crazy-laws.. which they brought here from Europe.. but like everything we've robbed from overseas, we rarely ever get it right.. stuck in the same flows as voodoo begat hoodoo...

We are living the great abomination, which only the Poor truly know, with their faces forever squished into it deep and hard...
Some of you are dancing-in and splashing-around-in the warm salty blood of the Poor... Is why the gentle-ones have shut heaven's gates to you.. simply by building heaven's gates, made out of pure Love.. because Hate can't see Love.. which is all the protection heaven needs to keep-out the assholes....

We are the Caretakers of Planet Earth... So when are we gonna start caring for this dying little planet..? when its all dead?..

If you continue on the path you are on, the last human can be viewed cracking the marrow out of the bones of the second last, near the year 145,730AD... It's there now for anybody with a functional-mind to just view...
Tomorrow is the beginning of the end of the world.. or the beginning of Humanity... We must make that step from Apes to Humans, or we will have lost Everything...
It's all up to you few monsters now...
All Life on this planet is asking you, through me, "Are we to live? or, Are we to die..?"

You cannot make Peace with War... You don't make peace by slaughtering innocent human beings... You make peace with honesty and peace, and love, and kindness, and sharing, and caring, and respect... Respect is how I am permitted to safely pet a rattle snake, and/or pick-up a lady blackwidowspider, and gently stroke her legs.. and/or to tickle a wild skunk's, or wild mink's belly, in the forest...
Respect is how I am able to sit in total safety near a hungry wild grizzly, or wild cougar... Respect is why birds land on my head and shoulders, and sing to me... Respect is why frogs sit in my hand, and sing their sings to me... Respect is all Life... You have as much Life as you have respect of Life.. being heaven's Only law... Anything else, is just varying degrees of bullshit and Hell...

It's you coke-heads, who hate your own reflections, who are driving this World War Three toward planetary destruction... Cocaine is a Poison... Cocaine Numbs and Melts your brains into a soggy g-o-p goop... Cocaine is suicide.. which is why you are trying to suicide our planet... Get off the cocaine anesthetics for a little while, and maybe you'll begin to see the truth.. I hope.. but me thinks that we haven't got a prayer.. and that you all are gonna have your silly planet-killer war anyway and every way, just so you can have some "elitist big-kid" fun...

There are many other easier safer ways to get much bigger Rushes...
I can teach you some of them.. if you can only learn more reality, without! trying to use the teacher as a "toilet"...
I could teach you all some super Rushes, which would even make some of you wet your pants, if that's what you really want...

It seems that what we've got now, is de Evil's head pretending to do battle with de Evil's tail, by applying and enacting a false smiling coating of peace, to disguise war into seeming to be something good...
War is a great fiery black-beast that eats people's essences... War and Evil is the "snake that ate its own tail", taking all Life with it as its last supper... War is varying degrees of the great Evil in process of consuming all Life... That's all it is...

The questions remain.. "Why do they pray in hell?"..

and, "What, Why, and Who, is powering and driving, that "axis of evil", War-Wheel, War Vehicle?".. to what intended end..?

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