Three great nations divided by a common language
This is kinda funny, if you ask me, which I'm claiming you just implicitly did by clicking on whatever link brought you here:

Canadian cover of my latest opus.

UK cover. Much the same, except wordier.

US cover. Subtlety? We ain't got no subtlety. We don't need no subtlety. I don't have to show you no steenking subtlety!
(Don't get me wrong. I do like it, in an airbrushed way. But it's funny.)
Canadian cover of my latest opus.
UK cover. Much the same, except wordier.
US cover. Subtlety? We ain't got no subtlety. We don't need no subtlety. I don't have to show you no steenking subtlety!
(Don't get me wrong. I do like it, in an airbrushed way. But it's funny.)